Building a new component

When building out a new component, make sure you take a look at some other existing components to get a sense of the coding standards and typical component structure in Bolt. The goal here is to have new and existing components feel just consistant and conherent - nothing should stick out like a sore thumb!

Additionally, all new components must include the following config within their package.json:

"publishConfig": { "access": "public" }

This is required so lerna can successfully publish Bolt's packages to NPM!

Below you'll find a step-by-step guide to walk through the process of adding a new component to the Bolt ecosystem.

Step 1: Create a new dir under /packages/components/[bolt-NEW-COMPONENT]

Step 2: cd into the new dir and create a new package.json in the new dir:

{ "name": "@bolt/[NEW-COMPONENT]", "description": "BLANK Component in Bolt", "version": "0.0.0", "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "bugs": { "url": "" }, "style": "src/[COMPONENT].scss", "main": "src/[COMPONENT].js", "twig": "src/[COMPONENT].twig", "publishConfig": { "access": "public" }, "dependencies": { "@bolt/core": "0.0.0" } }


  • Ensure you're ONLY adding the assets needed (e.g. if you don't need JavaScript then don't add "main": "src/[COMPONENT].js")
  • Make sure to add any required Bolt components to dependencies

Step 3: Add your necessary SCSS and JS files to [bolt-NEW-COMPONENT]/src/

  • Make sure all are reflected within package.json
  • Within your main scss file be sure to import core styles: @import '@bolt/core';
  • Within your main JS file be sure to include the pollyfillLoader:
import { polyfillLoader } from '@bolt/core'; polyfillLoader.then((res) => { import('./COMPONENT.standalone.js'); });

Step 4: Add your necessary Twig files to [bolt-NEW-COMPONENT]/src/

  • Be sure to follow the general coding style and practices of the Bolt design system (review other components for reference)

Step 5: Add a new at the root of your component, next to package.json (with pertinent details)

  • A description of the component's functionality should reside at the very top of the readme
  • Be sure to review an existing readme and include the "Install via NPM" instructions
  • Consider adding a "description" section as well as a "best practices" bullet list

Step 6: In the package.json file in the root of the Bolt repo, add the new component's folder path to the workspaces key. This tells Lerna and Yarn where to look when installing and symlinking together the different packages that make up the Bolt codebase (hint: that's what happens when running npm run bootstrap)

"workspaces": [ "packages/components/bolt-action-blocks", "packages/components/bolt-[COMPONENT-FOLDER-NAME]", ... ]

Step 7: Add component to package.json AND .boltrc.js within the Pattern Lab dir /apps/pattern-lab/

Step 8: Build the things! cd to the root and run npm run bootstrap

  • This command will install your references to the new component and will allow you to begin to build/test your new component within Pattern Lab.

Step 9: Create a new dir for your component within /apps/pattern-lab/src/_patterns/02-components/ and add a new "docs" twig file, named like 00-COMPONENT-docs.twig:

{% set schema = get_data('@bolt-components-COMPONENT/NEW-COMPONENT.schema.yml') %} {% set code %} {% verbatim %} {# component implementation example here #} {% endverbatim %} {% endset %} {% include '@utils/docs.twig' with { schema: schema, code: code, readmeFile: '@bolt-components-COMPONENT/', } only %}

Step 10: Create a new [NEW-COMPONENT].schema.yml file within the component dir /packages/components/[bolt-NEW-COMPONENT]:

$schema: title: COMPONENT NAME type: object required: - src - alt properties: sources: type: array description: 'Social media sources to share to' enum: - 'facebook' - 'twitter' - 'linkedin'
  • Note: that the required properties are called out at the top of the file before the component properties get set
  • Tip: Review other *.schema.yml files for common solutions in structuring data
  • If a default exists, set it within default for that property
  • Detailed information about schema data found here

Step 11: within the same directory as step 9 above - add your first demo component within a file named like 05-COMPONENT.twig.

  • This will serve as a space for you to develop and test your new component!
  • When completed - this initial demo should be the simplest implementation of the component available.

Step 12: Once you have the initial demo completed - it's time to add our schema validation to our package component within the base twig file (at the very bottom) /packages/components/[bolt-NEW-COMPONENT]/src/[COMPONENT].twig:

{% if enable_json_schema_validation %} {{ validate_data_schema(['@bolt-components-COMPONENT'].schema, _self) | raw }} {% endif %}
  • Note: Review the developer console for validation errors.
  • As you fix validation errors the process will outline how data should be correctly added
  • The final result will be a well formed schema that will both aid in data validation and generate the schema table within the Pattern Lab docs for your new component